Angel House

The Angel House Story

More than 31 million orphans in India live tragic lives in the slums; completely alone, searching for a place to call home. No families, no proper clothing, and no sense of stability whatsoever. Without a miraculous rescue, each child is doomed to end up in one of three places: forced child trafficking, child labor, or begging on the streets.

The reality of this injustice came to life for Lindsay Russo while caring for a group of hungry orphans during a humanitarian trip to India in 2010. Nearly 70 children, full orphans, had gathered into a tiny room with dirt floors and cinder block walls to eat their one and only meal for the day being provided by a local feeding program. The children ranged from ages 3 to 12, and they had no place to live. Moved with compassion, Lindsay was unable to turn a blind eye to what she had just witnessed. She thought, ‘These children need a safe place to call home,’ and upon her return to the States, she was determined to make it happen.

In the coming months, she began to tell anyone and everyone about the children in India and asked others to partner with her to build them a home. Although it was a challenge, Lindsay had an unyielding passion and was determined to give the precious children she had met a beautiful home.

In December 2010, the dream became a reality! The very first Angel House Rescue Orphanage was built and became home to 50 beautiful children in India. They ran into their new home like they it was Disneyland! As they laid on their brand new beds it was the first time they had ever laid on a bed or a pillow in their entire lives. The Angel House staff wrapped their arms around the children and welcomed them into more than just their new homes, but their new lives.

The day was memorable, but soon the harsh reality set in – more than 25 million orphans still lived tragic lives on the streets and in the slums. Who will do something to help them?

The Angel House team in India knew far too well the sobering fate of abandoned orphans. Without intervention, each child would succumb to a life of destitution. Angel House could not stop with 1 home. Lindsay and her team refused to just "see" the need, but resolved to take action.

Just weeks after the first home opened, Lindsay competed and won on the NBC popular game show "Minute To Win It!" In a single moment, more than 8.5 million households heard about Angel House as Lindsay competed in hopes to use the money to build more homes in India. It was just the beginning!

What began as one house construction for just one group of children has now grown into dozens of homes and thousands of children rescued out of the slums! Hundreds of orphans and street children who would otherwise be trapped in forced child labor, human trafficking, or begging on the streets now have a safe place to call home.